Hijri 1446
Welcome to Gurugram!
Gurugrammomins.com is a comprehensive resource for Muslims in Gurugram, offering information about essential services and community activities. It serves as a guide for travelers to the city, medical tourists, and local community members, providing details on the locations of masjids, graveyards, and support guide for those in need.
This is a work-in-progress web presence, so please expect it to evolve as we continue to develop it.
COVID-19 impact on community activities
Daily and Jumma in mosques or in congregation across the city has resumed in line with the city administration guidelines. For specific information about namaz and social distancing requirement, please contact your local mosque. Information can be located in the 'city mosque' section
Social Contribution footprints in Gurugram
Kids learning empathyFamily Day at Food Camp, Civil Hospital, Gurugram | Handing Over Food PacketsDry Ration - Covid-19 Community Outreach Program | Ration distribution VanRation Distribution across the City |
Midnight Blanket DistributionSpreading the warmth of blanket on winter nights | Sanjha IftaarCo-organizing the public facing Sanjha Iftaar | On location - Food DistributionCommunity Members co-ordinating Distribution |