Covid-19 has changed the world and have forced us to redesign the lifestyle and re-define our life priorities. We need to continue following the advisory that the government and local administration has issued and continue taking the precautions we have been taking to safeguard ourselves, our families and the citizens.
Listed below are some of the key information that may be required to attend to Covid-19 affected scenarios.
Covid-19 National Teleconsultation Service
eSanjeevaniOPD (an inititive of Ministry of Health, Govt. of India)
Tata Health (an initiative from Tata that offer online consultancy)
Plasma Contact Info
Rotary Blood Bank, Gurugram
Delhi Plasma Bank
Friends2support - voluntary blood donors community
Covid-19 Helpdesk
District Gurugram - Covid Helpdesk
Haryana Corona web portal - Locate
(Get info on helpline number, isolation centres, quarantine, hospitals and laboratories for Covid-19 testing)
Covid-19 Movement pass
District Gurugram - movement pass registration
Gurugram District Advisories
District Gurugram - orders & advisories