Everything in the earth and the heavens belongs to Allah (SWT). Our lives, our possessions and our families are Allah’s gifts to us. Death is the definite event that occurs in everybody’s life. Death is inevitable and unpredictable. Nobody knows when death will come to him or her.
Procdure for Bathing of Decaesed (Ghusl-e-Mayyat)
When a Muslim die, it is mandatory duty of his family or the Muslims of his surrounding areas to wash and shroud him according to Islamic rites. Usually two or three persons involve in the Ghusl procedure.
Obligation of the place, person performing the ghusl (bath)
Ensure the place where bathing is to be performed offers complete privacy.
The person performing the Ghusl need to be a momin and religious
The person performing the bath should be of the same gender as the deceased; male for male and female for female;
For a child, either male or female may perform the Ghusl
It is best that one be in the state of wudhu (ablution) when performing the Ghusl.
One who bathes the dead body should form a niyat of performing and perform this act with the intention / niyat of complying with the commands of Allah.
Should have knowledge of Islamic way of Ghusl
They should make wudu before starting the wash
It is makruh (detestable) for any person in the state of janaabah, haidh or nifaas (classes of greater impurity) to bathe the deceased.
10.It is forbidden to mention to other’s any signs of ‘aib (shortfall) which may be visible during the bathing of the deceased.
Place of Washing
The deceased’s body should be washed in a clean, secluded place where clean and warm water and soap are available. Thick gloves must always be worn when handling and washing the deceased.
The body of the deceased should be washed with warm water and, if available, Sidr Leaf Powder ( Beri- Ke-patte), or camphor (to be used in the final wash).
The steps of the washing should be done at least three times any more odd number of times as necessary to cleanse. Always be mindful of infection and wear disposable gloves, aprons and face masks for protection of the person performing the Ghusl.
Steps of Washing
Privacy for the deceased is a crucial and important requirement at all times during the ghusl
The body of the deceased should be placed on a table or alike, the deceased’s clothes should be removed, all the while during this act and during Ghusl (bath) the body should be covered with a sheet of cloth at all times
The Satr (private parts) of the deceased should be covered with a sheet of cloth
The head and the upper body should be raised slightly to ensure the washing water with exudations from the body flows down and does not run back to the body
Remove any items or objects not already removed. These include watches, hospital or mortuary ID tags, wound dressings, IV lines, peg tubes, artificial limbs. If there is any active bleeding or wound discharge then that may be padded and dressed
The washer should start washing by saying: "Bismillah" (In the name of Allah)
The washer wears gloves or wraps a piece of cloth around his hand, and with this he cleans away any impurities from the body using water. Then he should dispose of the gloves
The washer should take another pair of gloves, press lightly the stomach of the deceased so as to expel, if possible, any remnants from it, and then wash the body of all impurities using water. Then he should dispose of the gloves
The washer should take another pair of gloves, and wash the covered private parts, then dispose of the gloves
The washer should Perform wudhu without inserting water in the nostrils or mouth. The proper sequence is to wash: (1) the face (2) arms to the elbows (3) the head (4) feet up to the ankles.
The washer should clean the body with water and soap (if available), starting from the head (hair, face and beard in men), then the upper right side of the body then the left side, after that the lower right side then the lower left
In the case of a female, her hair should be loosened, washed, combed, and be braided in three braids, and placed behind her back
The washing should be done three times, or five times, or seven times, as needed, providing that after washing the head, wash the right side before the left, and the upper parts before the lower ones
In the last wash, the washer may use camphor, or some perfume with the water
Tilt the body to the left and clean the back with water and soap. Thereafter, tilt the body to the right side and wash the back in a similar manner.
Lastly, pour camphor water from head to toe 3 times.
Dry the body with a clean towel. Ensure the Satr (private parts) must be kept covered at all times.
Then the body should be covered with a clean sheet. The Satr (private parts) must be kept covered at all times.
Get ready to start the shrouding
Special Note:
In case the deceased is a female in her menstrual period or have child birth bleeding, padding should be used to prevent blood from leaving the body.
All of this is based on authentic Hadith that Um Atiyah narrated that: " When the daughter of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) died, he instructed us: Wash her three times, or more than that if you feel it is necessary, with water and Sidr Leaf Powder ( Beri- Ke-patte)
, and then after the last wash apply some camphor to the body , then loosen her hair, wash it, comb it, and make it in three braids laid behind her back " (Bukhari & Muslim)
Shrouding the deceased muslim (Takafan)
Shrouding should start immediately after washing the body of the deceased. It is recommended to use white sheets from inexpensive material. Extravagance is not recommended in the Kafan (Shroud). All measurements may vary depending on the stature of the deceased. The material of the sheet should not have any stitching.
The Kafan of a Male
The Kafan of a male should consist of three white wrapping sheets, and 4 tie ropes
• Outer sheet - Lifafah
• Second sheet - Izaar
• Third sheet - Qamees (shirt)
• 3-4 ties
• 2 smaller sheets (satar) used cover the private parts (auwra) one before and the other after ghusl
Steps of Shrouding - Male (Mard ke Kafan pehnane ka tariqa)
Roll up the front half of the top sheet towards the head - Qamees (shirt)
The deceased, covered with a sheet (satar), is lifted and laid on his back on this top sheet (Qamees)
The Qamees is then unrolled over the front of the body and once the body is covered then remove the satar (covering sheet)
Some scent or perfume may be put on those parts of the body upon which one rests during prostration, that is the forehead, nose, hands, knees, and feet
If it is possible the deceased’s left hand should be placed on his chest, then put his right hand on the left hand like the way in the Salat (Prayer)
The edge of the next sheet (Izaar) is then folded over the deceased right side, then the other edge over his left side.
Then the last sheet (Lifafah) should be folded the same way.
These sheets should be fastened with a piece of cloth (tie ropes), one above the head, another under the feet, and two around the body
This completes the shrouding for the male
The Kafan of a Female
The Kafan of a female should consist of five white garments and 4 ties
Outermost sheet - Lifafah
Second sheet - Sinaband - to cover from under armpits to thighs
Third sheet - Izaar
Fourth layer - Qamees
Last piece - Orni - to cover head and hair
3-4 ties
2 smaller sheets (satar) used to cover the private parts one before and the other after ghusl
Steps of Shrouding - Female ( ke Kafan pehnane ka tariqa)
Roll up the front half of the top sheet towards the head – Qamees (shirt)
The deceased, covered with a sheet (satar), is lifted and laid on her back on this top sheet (Qamees)
The Qamees is then unrolled over the front of the body and once the body is covered then remove the satar (covering sheet
some scent or perfume may be put on those parts of the body upon which one rests during prostration, that is the forehead, nose, hands, knees, and feet.
the sinaband (loin cloth) is bound round (acts like underwear).
Put the head veil
the deceased’s left hand should be placed on her chest, then put her right hand on the left hand like the way in the Salat (Prayer)
the edge of the Izaar sheet is folded over the deceased right side, then the other edge over his left side.
then the last (Lifafah) sheet should be folded the same way
these sheets should be fastened with a piece of cloth (tie ropes), one above the head, another under the feet, and two around the body